Saturday 28 January 2012

perkhabaran baru


long time x update blog ni
for the blogger,im so sory
so this posting,bia pnjg skit la yer

orite,spnjg 'ketiadaan' ak nie
bkn lri pi mne2 pon
de jew kt umh
kn jd surirumah spnuh mse
so my time full ngn siapkan pe yg owg order(mostly cake)
then maen2 ngn si"kecik" adam
& hjung minggu bsme kaum kerabat kt kg
happy kn??

talking about this week
demam mlanda..
its bcoz tlalu 'nakal' sgt
snok bmain kt kg smpai x hingat dunie
then ak jatuh..
tahniah..dan amat la skit..
so mood n angin kus2 pon dtg tnpa diundang
so spe yg kne??
of coz incik 'jntung ati" ksygn sy
cian dy
need to treat me like child
but it's sweet..sometime(can't try many time)
im sory my dear
but tq so much cz still with me
cm pe yg sy ckp kt awk la yer
kalo 1 hbgn 2 asyk sweet je pon xbest
sbb 2 la kite gdoh2 mnje..
br la best kn??

n for other people
zue n anap..
anap tq cz mcdangkan tok dtg mlwt ngn zue
zue..i know how worried u are..
fmly yg byk mlyn kerenah sy
fasha nadhirah..i know kite da mkin jauh..but i still try to back cm dlu2

ops..last but not the least..
td on9 fb
the sadness thing today is
br dpt tau
someone yg aku anggp 'sahabat'
unfriend ak??
npe kejam sgt??
see..spe yg buang spe??
even awk nk jdkn hbgn kite musuh..
g on..
tp pd sy..
awk shbt dunia &akhirat
hope u hapy with what u do
and a always pray for ur happiness

p/s: izinkan aku jtuh cinta